
Latest news
14/06 — Addition of HST FUV observations of Europa
Release of the STIS/Far-UV observations (only) of Europa obtained during the HST campaign of 2018 : 33 long exposure spectra using the 25x2 arcsec long slit with the G140L grating.
11/06 — New Jupiter HST campaigns coordinated with Juno
Release of 4 HST campaigns coordinated with the Juno extended mission between 2021 and 2023 :
– Jupiter, 8 Sep. 2021 (STIS, 1 long-exposure image of the northern hemisphere, each sequenced into 2 sec-long subexposures), executed near Juno perijove 36 and coordinated with Chandra EUV observations.
– Jupiter, Jul. 2021-Sep. 2022 (STIS, 6 long-exposures images of the northern hemisphere, each sequenced into up to 26x100 sec-long subexposures), executed between the Juno perijoves 30 and 36.
– Jupiter, Oct. 2021-Jul. 2023 (STIS, 17 long-exposures images of both hemispheres, each sequenced into up to 26x100 sec-long subexposures), executed while Juno explores the equatorial region inside Ganymede’s orbit.
– Jupiter, Nov. 2022-Oct. 2023 (STIS, 11 long-exposures images of both hemispheres, each sequenced into up to 26x100 sec-long subexposures), executed while Juno explores the equatorial region inside Ganymede’s orbit.
This represents nearly 1000 individual observations. The high data level (cylindrical and polar projections) have been derived for all the observations.
8/12 — Addition of two HST campaigns
Release of the data corresponding to two HST campaigns executed in 2020 and 2021 :
– Uranus, Oct.-Dec. 2020 (STIS, 12 long exposure images using the 25MAMA and SrF2 filters).
– Ganymede, Jun. 2021 (STIS, 8 long exposure spectra using the 25x2 arcsec long slit with the G140L grating)
20/09 — Association of Pythéas/LAM
The Pythéas institute and the Astrophysics laboratory of Marseille have been officially associated to the APIS CNRS/INSU observation service in June 2023. This will enable the CeSAM (Centre de donnéeS Astrophysiques de Marseille) to contribute to the storage and delivery of APIS data products.