The APIS service provides access to UV spectro-imaging auroral observations of solar system planets and moons.


Test search of Hisaki data

11 Sep 2017

A collaboration between the APIS team and the Hisaki/EXCEED one led to develop the search interface so that it can query simultaneously both HST data from the APIS archive and Hisaki data from the JAXA archive. A test Hisaki database (made of 9 daily EXCEED observations ranging 1 to 9 Jan. 2014) is now browsable. The full Hisaki/EXCEED database should be accessible through APIS in the coming months.

Jupiter monitoring in support to Juno

21 Jul 2017

Raw HST observations of Jupiter, corresponding to the Juno cruise phase and early orbits, are now browsable :
- Jupiter, May.-Jul. 2016 (STIS, 45 images, 3 spectra)
- Jupiter, Nov. 2016-Jul. 2017 (STIS, 121 images, 9 spectra)

Early release of Saturn’s observations coordinated with Cassini pre F-ring orbits

08 Jun 2017

Since summer 2016, observations of northern Saturn’s aurorae are obtained on a regular basis in coordination with Cassini polar passes within the auroral regions. The observations matching Cassini pre F-ring orbits are released today before the end of the HST proprietary period as an acknowledgement to the support of the Cassini project to this observational campaign :
- Saturn, Jun.-Aug. 2016 (STIS, 6 images)