The APIS service provides access to UV spectro-imaging auroral observations of solar system planets and moons.
Interactive use of Spectra
24 Jul 2018
The search interface has been updated so that spectroscopic data can now be sent online to the Cassis software via the SAMP protocol to interactively work with them. To do so, launch the Cassis software first and click on the link "Cassis" available at the bottom of any HST spectroscopic data product.
Early release of Saturn’s observations coordinated with Cassini auroral proximal passes
10 Apr 2018
HST observed Saturn’s northern aurorae throughout 2017, across solstice (reached on 24 May). These observations were carefully coordinated with expected passes of the Cassini spacecraft within the source region of Saturn’s auroral kilometric radiation (found to be colocated at Earth with acceleration regions), i.e. along magnetic field lines mapping to atmospheric aurorae. There are released before the end of the HST proprietary period as an acknowledgement to the support of the Cassini project to this observational campaign :
– Saturn, Mar.-Sept. 2017 (STIS, 24 images, 1 spectrum)
Release of Hisaki/EXCEED data
09 Mar 2018
The APIS team is pleased to announce the accessibility through its search interface to an external database of Hisaki/EXCEED EUV spectro-imaging level 1 observations of solar system planets. The latter are acquired on a long-term basis since 2013 and are processed and distributed by a team of japanese colleagues led by Tomoki Kimura (Riken, Japan).