The APIS service provides access to UV spectro-imaging auroral observations of solar system planets and moons.
Update of Hisaki/EXCEED observations
02 Jun 2019
Thanks to the continuous collaboration with the team at Tohoku University, the external Hisaki database has been updated up to 25 may 2019 and now includes >1700 observations of the solar system planets.
Test search of Cassini/UVIS data
21 May 2019
In the frame of a research project funded by the Plas@par laboratory of excellence driven by Sorbonne Universités, Fabiola Magalhaes started late 2018 to develop a database of Cassini/UVIS processed auroral observations of Saturn at Observatoire de Paris with the help of the Cassini/UVIS team (courtesy to Wayne Pryor and Emilie Royer). A test database of UVIS Far-UV observations (corresponding to level 2 calibrated data, including quicklooks and standard fits files of datacubes) acquired on 14 Feb. 2016 is now browsable.
Updated Jupiter dataset in support to Juno
08 Mar 2019
The HST database has been recently significantly completed with :
– raw public observations acquired in support to Juno in 2017-2018, complementing the campaign : Jupiter, Nov. 2016-Sep. 2018 (STIS, 137 images, 12 spectra) ;
– sequenced 100-s long exposures built from a subset of these images ranging Juno perijoves 2 to 12 enabled by the STIS time-tagged mode (NB : specific request of sequencing can be dealt with on demand) ;
– polar projections of this subset of images organized as a function of SIII longitude on top of which was superimposed the Juno magnetic footpath (during the HST exposure) using the most recent (JRM09) magnetic field model and magnetic markers of the footprint of the galilean satellites.