The APIS service provides access to UV spectro-imaging auroral observations of solar system planets and moons.
New HST data coordinated with Cassini’s final dive
22 Apr 2021
The long-exposure image acquired by HST/STIS at the expected time of the Cassini plunge into Saturn’s atmosphere on 15 Sept. has been added to the HST database.
Update of the search interface
14 Jan 2021
The advanced search interface now enables the user to select the HST/Jupiter data acquired since mid-2016 as a function of the position of the Juno spacecraft (distance, local time, jovicentric latitude and magnetic latitude).
Happy new year 2021 !
Novel Jupiter campaign in support to Juno
21 Apr 2020
Release of the latest public Jupiter HST campaign which spanned 2019 acquired in support to Juno (Perijoves 18 to 22) :
– Jupiter, Feb.-Sep. 2019 (STIS, 50 images, 2 spectra) ;
– the time-tagged long exposure STIS images have been sequenced in 100-s long exposures, yielding 1180 new images.
– all the images have been individually re-centered to complete all the APIS data levels. Projections have been plotted with a logarythmic intensity scale and usual magnetic markers of the footprint of the galilean satellites.