The APIS service provides access to UV spectro-imaging auroral observations of solar system planets and moons.


New HST campaigns : Saturn, Io and Jupiter

19 Jan 2022

Release of 4 HST campaigns :
 Saturn, Aug.-Sep. 2017 (STIS, 4 images using the 25MAMA/SrF2 filters and 2 long-slit [52x0.1’’] spectra using the G140M grating), executed during the Cassini proximal orbits ;
 Saturn, Oct.-Nov. 2020 (STIS, 13 long-exposures images using the SrF2/QTZ filters), executed during the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction ;
 Io, Dec. 2013-Jan. 2014 (STIS, 20 long-slit [52x2’’] spectra using the G140L grating) ;
 Jupiter, Aug.-Sep. 2021 (STIS, 4 long-exposures images, each sequenced into 25x100 sec-long subexposures), executed between the Juno perijoves 28 and 29.

A doi for the APIS/Cassini/UVIS data collection

04 Jan 2022

The APIS/Cassini/UVIS data collection is now referenced as :

Best wishes for this new year.

Update of the section ’resources’

27 Dec 2021

Addition of a novel composite image of HST/Far-UV auroral planetary observations of solar system bodies, built up as an illustration for concepts of future, large class, UV telescopes.