The APIS service provides access to UV spectro-imaging auroral observations of solar system planets and moons.
Release of all Cassini/UVIS observations of Saturn
09 Oct 2019
Following the early release published in June 2019, a complete dataset of Cassini/UVIS auroral observations of Saturn ranging from 2004 to 2017 is now available. The data, acquired in both the Far-UV or Extreme-UV channels, have been splitted in invidual planetary scans to facilitate their use, yielding 8000 invididual data cubes provided in fits format.
Updated HST/Jupiter products
02 Jun 2019
Major release concerning the two public Jupiter HST campaigns ranging 2016-2018 acquired in support to Juno :
– all the time-tagged long exposure STIS images of both the May-July 2016 and Nov. 2016-Sep. 2018 campaigns have been sequenced in 100-s long exposures, yielding 1229 and 3397 new images.
– all the long exposure images of the Jupiter, Nov. 2016-Sep. 2018 campaign. have been individually re-centered and projected to complete the APIS data levels.
– the short exposure images of the Jupiter, Nov. 2016-Sep. 2018 campaign. are processed similarly : the first two APIS data levels are already available while the projections are under calculation.
Early release of Cassini/UVIS Grand Finale data
02 Jun 2019
Cassini/UVIS FUV calibrated auroral observations ranging the latest phase of the Cassini mission, have just been released. They include quicklooks, standard fits files and the search interface enables to directly open the datacubes with Aladin (through SAMP) :
– Saturn 2016 : 676 datacubes
– Saturn 2017 : 894 datacubes